From October 18th to 20th, 2023, Beijing time, the 2023 annual meeting of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Smart City System Committee (the first stage of the meeting opening and report) was held online. The first phase of the meeting was mainly for each working group to report on their work progress and assign tasks to the working group; the second phase of the meeting will be held from December 5th to 7th, mainly for workshops, new project approval and closing ceremony, mainly to discuss the reform of the committee and future long-term development strategies and new project approval resolutions. Originally scheduled to be held in Cairo, Egypt, the meeting was uniformly changed to an online meeting due to regional instability and security considerations. Fifty-three experts from countries such as China, the United States, India, Mexico, and Japan attended the meeting, of which 27 were Chinese experts. Prof. Xiaomi An, Assoc. Prof. Xiaoshuang Jia, and Assistant Prof. Wang Yanyan from Renmin University of China School of Information Resource Management attended this meeting as registered experts.
On the evening of October 18th, Prof. Xiaomi An served as the convener of the Terminology Working Group (WG1) of the IEC Smart City System Committee and presented a WG1 work report, reporting on the work progress since the last plenary meeting. Currently, WG1 has 57 registered experts from 15 countries, has issued one standard in 2021, is currently studying three standards, and has one pre-research project. Next, WG1 plans to carry out pre-research work for the ontology standard of minimum semantic interoperability for smart city systems.
On the evening of October 19th, Assoc. Prof. Xiaoshuang Jia presented a research report on the collaboration framework for smart city standards based on a systems approach (a collaboration framework for a systems approach to smart city standards), in which Assistant Professor Yanyan Wang also participated. Xiaoshuang Jia introduced the relevant terms and research purposes of this study, proposed collaboration principles, collaboration frameworks, and application methods for this framework. Based on seeking expert opinions from participants, pre-research PWI project approval work will be carried out.
Jinan, China will host the next IEC Smart City System Committee plenary meeting.
Introduction to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC): The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) was established in 1906 as the world’s earliest international electrical and electronic engineering standardization organization responsible for international standardization work in electrical and electronic engineering fields. The purpose of IEC is to promote international cooperation and mutual understanding in electrical and electronic engineering fields through standardization and related issues. The authority of IEC standards is recognized worldwide, and IEC holds more than 100 international standard meetings around the world every year. Its meetings are one of the highest quality conferences recognized worldwide in the field of international standardization.