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Centers & Labs

The School of Information Resource Management (SIRM ) has now built four laboratories, including a Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education, “Key Laboratory of Data Engineering and Knowledge Engineering of the Ministry of Education”; a research base platform, “Research Base for Humanistic Beijing”, which focuses on supporting the construction of “Memory of Beijing” project; and eight research centers. Meanwhile, based on the research centers, nine innovative research teams have been established.

(1)Key Laboratory of Data Engineering and Knowledge Engineering of the Ministry of Education

(2)Research Base Platform of Humanistic Beijing

(3)Research Center for Humanistic Beijing and Humanistic Olympics, Renmin University of China (RUC)

(4)Electronic Records Management Research Center, RUC

(5)E-Government Research Center, RUC

(6)Electronic Records System Test Center, RUC

(7)Information Analysis Research Center, RUC

(8)CIO Study Center, RUC

(9)Research Center for Protection and Identification of Literature, Calligraphy and Painting

(10)Smart City Research Center, RUC