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Commencement 2020 was Held Virtually

Jul. 05, 2020

On June 29, 2020, the 2020 Commencement Ceremony of the School of Information Resource Management at Renmin University of China was held. All the graduating students, faculty members and staffs of the school and nearly 10,000 parents and alumni participated in the ceremony: most of them attended the ceremony virtually. This is the first virtual Commencement Ceremony since the foundation of the school 68 years ago.

Ms. Bin Meng, the Executive Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the school, presided over the ceremony. All participants stood up and sang the national anthem and paid a silent tribute to victims of the COVID-19 epidemic.

Dr Hui Yan, the Assoicate Dean of the School, announced the list of new 84 Bachelor winners, 95 Master and 18 Doctorate Degrees winners.

The graduates attending at the spot stepped up to the awarding platform. Professor Bin Zhang, the deputy chair of the academic committee and dean of the school, set the crown for degree winners and awarded degree certificates to them.

Dr. Li Niu, Associate Dean of the school, announced the awarding lists on recognizing outstanding graduates in 2020.

Professor Shuiquan Zheng, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Renmin University of China, awarded certificates to the commended graduates of the school.

Mr. Han Lin, the new bachelor in information management and information system delivered remarks on behalf of all graduates of the school.

Ms. Jiahua Lin, the new bachelor in Information Recource Management, spoke on behalf of all graduates of the school online from Taiwan.

Professor Xiaodong Gong made a speech on behalf of all faculty members in the school. He specially engraved a seal called ” Continuous Self-Improvement”. The seal was given to graduates as a graduation gift, and it was also used in school graduation souvenirs to encourage students to embark on the path of life and truth.

Professor Zhang delivered a parting speech to the students on behalf of the school, encouraging everyone to take the fight against the epidemic as the last lesson before graduation and take on the responsibility of young people.

At the time of farewell, all faculty members, staff and new alumni sang the university song together. All the participants present waved to those online, getting a VR panoramic group photo. The 2020 Graduation Ceremony and Degree Awarding Ceremony of the School of Information Resources Management of Renmin University of China came to an end with the singing of “Never Say Goodbye”.