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Professor Bin Zhang elected into the Board of Directors in iSchools Organization


According to the official news of iSchools organization, a new governance structure which was formally adopted at the annual iSchools business meeting in Sheffield, UK during this March 2018 has just been unveiled.
Under the new model, all iSchools members will participate in the election of a Board of Directors. This new Board consist of two groups: an Executive Committee, and an additional group of regionally elected Board members. The Executive Committee is made up of the current iSchools chair, the chair-elect, the immediate past-chair, the treasurer, the chairs of each of the three regions, and ex officio the executive director. The remainder of the Board consists of regionally elected chairs, calculated using a formula that factors the number of schools and the financial contributions in each.
Professor Bin Zhang, the Dean of School of Information Resource Management, iSchool at Renmin University of China, was elected into the Board of Directors.
The iSchools Executive Committee currently includes:

  • iSchools Chair: Sam Oh, Head of School, Library & Information Science and Data Science Department, Sungkyunkwan University
  • iSchools Chair-Elect: Gobinda Choudhury, Head of School, Mathematics and Information Sciences, Northumbria University
  • iSchools Past-Chair: Ron Larsen, Dean Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh iSchool
  • Executive Director: Michael Seadle, Professor, Berlin School of Library and Information Science, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • Treasurer: Johannes Bauer , Director, Department of Media and Information, Michigan State University
  • European Regional Chair: Ann-Sofie Axelsson, Head of School, The Swedish School of Library and Information Science, University of Boras
  • North American Regional Chair and Executive Committee member: Keith Marzullo, Professor and Dean, College of Information Studies, University of Maryland
  • Asia Pacific Regional Chair and Executive Committee member: Miguel Nunes, Head of School, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, School of Information Management

The above are joined by the following Board members, elected earlier this month:
North America

  • Gary Marchionni, Dean, University of North Carolina, School of Information and Library Science
  • Diane Kelly, Director, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, School of Information Sciences
  • Tom Finholt, Dean, University of Michigan School of Information
  • Kristin Eschenfelder, Director, University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Library and Information Studies


  • António Lucas Soares, Director, University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering in cooperation with the Faculty of Arts; alternate Fernanda Ribeiro

Asia Pacific

  • Bin Zhang, Head of School, Renmin University of China, School of Information Resource Management; alternate Jenny Wang

About the iSchool at Renmin University of China
Founded in 1952, the School of Information Resource Management owns the oldest archival science education in new China, and provides three undergraduate programs in archival science, information system, and information resource management, and moreover master and Ph.D. programs in archival science, library and information science, information analytics, and information resource management. According to the discipline evaluation by Ministry of Education of P.R. China in 2017, 2012, and 2009, the iSchool ranked in the top three institutions in the field of library, information, and archival studies. 
